Question 1 of 48

1. From what were the poles of the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark) made?

Question 1 of 48

Question 2 of 48

2. From what were the sockets made that were used for the pillars for the screen at the entrance of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 2 of 48

Question 3 of 48

3. From what was the Mizbach Ketoret (Incense Altar) made?

Question 3 of 48

Question 4 of 48

4. What color were the rams' skins dyed in order to cover the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 4 of 48

Question 5 of 48

5. What did the women whose hearts had inspired them with wisdom bring?

Question 5 of 48

Question 6 of 48

6. What was the length of the Shulchan (Table) in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 6 of 48

Question 7 of 48

7. With what were the boards of the tent covered?

Question 7 of 48

Question 8 of 48

8. From which tribe was Ahaliav (Oholiab)?

Question 8 of 48

Question 9 of 48

9. How many sockets were on the boards on the southern side of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 9 of 48

Question 10 of 48

10. What was the height of the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark)?

Question 10 of 48

Question 11 of 48

11. From what were the hooks for the screen for the gate of the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made?

Question 11 of 48

Question 12 of 48

12. How many boards were on the northern side of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 12 of 48

Question 13 of 48

13. What was the height of the Mizbach Ha'Olah (Altar of Burnt Offering)?

Question 13 of 48

Question 14 of 48

14. What was made for the Mishkan (Sanctuary) from the women's copper mirrors?

Question 14 of 48

Question 15 of 48

15. How many sockets were made for the pillars of shitim (acacia) wood in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 15 of 48

Question 16 of 48

16. How many pillars were used for the screen at the entrance of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 16 of 48

Question 17 of 48

17. What kind of offering did Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel) bring unto God?

Question 17 of 48

Question 18 of 48

18. What would happen to Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel) if they would perform work on Shabbat (Sabbath)?

Question 18 of 48

Question 19 of 48

19. How many boards were on the western side of the tent?

Question 19 of 48

Question 20 of 48

20. From what were the hangings of the courtyard of the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made?

Question 20 of 48

Question 21 of 48

21. What was the length of the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark)?

Question 21 of 48

Question 22 of 48

22. From what was the Shulchan (Table) in the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made?

Question 22 of 48

Question 23 of 48

23. What was the width of the Shulchan (Table) in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 23 of 48

Question 24 of 48

24. What did the princes of the tribes donate for the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 24 of 48

Question 25 of 48

25. How many rings were made for the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark)?

Question 25 of 48

Question 26 of 48

26. What were on the four corners of the Mizbach Ha'Olah (Altar of Burnt Offering)?

Question 26 of 48

Question 27 of 48

27. What was the length of the Mizbach Ha'Olah (Altar of Burnt Offering)?

Question 27 of 48

Question 28 of 48

28. What was the width of the Mizbach Ha'Olah (Altar of Burnt Offering)?

Question 28 of 48

Question 29 of 48

29. From what were the hooks of the outer goat hair curtains of the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made?

Question 29 of 48

Question 30 of 48

30. What kind of grate was on the Mizbach Ha'olah (Altar of Burnt Offering)?

Question 30 of 48

Question 31 of 48

31. From what were the hooks made, that fastened the curtains to one another in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 31 of 48

Question 32 of 48

32. How many pillars of shitim (acacia) wood were made for the partition in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 32 of 48

Question 33 of 48

33. What did the wise-hearted women bring?

Question 33 of 48

Question 34 of 48

34. Which way were the cedar boards placed in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 34 of 48

Question 35 of 48

35. What offering was brought of gold?

Question 35 of 48

Question 36 of 48

36. What kind of wood was brought for building the tent of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 36 of 48

Question 37 of 48

37. Which particular Shabbat (Sabbath) prohibition was singled out in this Parsha (Torah portion)?

Question 37 of 48

Question 38 of 48

38. Which people were called upon to come and make everything for the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 38 of 48

Question 39 of 48

39. From what were the sockets made that were used for the pillars of shitim (acacia) wood in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 39 of 48

Question 40 of 48

40. From what were the loops on the curtains of the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made?

Question 40 of 48

Question 41 of 48

41. What covered the pillars of shitim (acacia) wood in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 41 of 48

Question 42 of 48

42. How high was the Shulchan (Table) in the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 42 of 48

Question 43 of 48

43. What did Moshe (Moses) tell the people to stop bringing when there was enough material to build the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 43 of 48

Question 44 of 48

44. What was the width of the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark)?

Question 44 of 48

Question 45 of 48

45. How many branches did the Menorah (Candelabrum) in the Mishkan (Sanctuary) have on each side?

Question 45 of 48

Question 46 of 48

46. What were the cups of the Menorah (Candelabrum) in the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made to resemble?

Question 46 of 48

Question 47 of 48

47. From what were the sockets made on the boards on the southern side of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 47 of 48

Question 48 of 48

48. With what were the horns on the four corners of the Mizbach Ha'Olah (Altar of Burnt Offering) offering covered?

Question 48 of 48