Question 1 of 43

1. What was the first thing that happened when the work of erecting the Mishkan (Sanctuary) was finished?

Question 1 of 43

Question 2 of 43

2. In which year was the Mishkan (Sanctuary) set up?

Question 2 of 43

Question 3 of 43

3. Where was the Mizbach Hazahav (Gold Altar) for Ketoret (Incense) placed?

Question 3 of 43

Question 4 of 43

4. What was in the midst of the robe of the Ephod (Apron-like garment worn by the High Priest)?

Question 4 of 43

Question 5 of 43

5. How much silver was collected in the census of Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel)?

Question 5 of 43

Question 6 of 43

6. Where was the Kiyor (Washbasin) placed?

Question 6 of 43

Question 7 of 43

7. Where was the Shulchan (Table) placed inside the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 7 of 43

Question 8 of 43

8. Where were the pomegranates?

Question 8 of 43

Question 9 of 43

9. How much silver was used for a silver socket?

Question 9 of 43

Question 10 of 43

10. What was the second item inserted in the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark)?

Question 10 of 43

Question 11 of 43

11. Who worked with Betzalel (Bezalel)?

Question 11 of 43

Question 12 of 43

12. What was the length of the Choshen (Breastplate worn by the High Priest)?

Question 12 of 43

Question 13 of 43

13. From what material were the sockets for the partition veil made?

Question 13 of 43

Question 14 of 43

14. From what material were the sockets for the partition veil in the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made?

Question 14 of 43

Question 15 of 43

15. What did Moshe put into the Kiyor (Washbasin)?

Question 15 of 43

Question 16 of 43

16. From which tribe was Ahaliav (Oholiab)?

Question 16 of 43

Question 17 of 43

17. In which month was the Mishkan (Sanctuary) set up?

Question 17 of 43

Question 18 of 43

18. Who was Itamar (Ithamar)?

Question 18 of 43

Question 19 of 43

19. What signified to Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel) that they were about to begin another trip in the desert?

Question 19 of 43

Question 20 of 43

20. From what material were all the pins of the Mishkan (Sanctuary) made?

Question 20 of 43

Question 21 of 43

21. Where were the bells placed?

Question 21 of 43

Question 22 of 43

22. Where was the screen placed?

Question 22 of 43

Question 23 of 43

23. What rested on the Mishkan (Sanctuary) by night?

Question 23 of 43

Question 24 of 43

24. How was the Choshen (Breastplate) fastened to the Ephod (Apron-like garment worn by the High Priest)?

Question 24 of 43

Question 25 of 43

25. On which day of the month was the Mishkan (Sanctuary) set up?

Question 25 of 43

Question 26 of 43

26. What would become holy of holies after being anointed with anointing oil?

Question 26 of 43

Question 27 of 43

27. What did Moshe (Moses) do after he saw all the Mishkan (Sanctuary) construction was performed just as God had told him?

Question 27 of 43

Question 28 of 43

28. What was put into the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark) first?

Question 28 of 43

Question 29 of 43

29. Who set up the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 29 of 43

Question 30 of 43

30. Where was the Mizbach Ha'Olah (Altar of the Burnt Offering) placed?

Question 30 of 43

Question 31 of 43

31. What was the second thing that happened when the work of erecting the Mishkan (Sanctuary) was finished?

Question 31 of 43

Question 32 of 43

32. What rested on the Mishkan (Sanctuary) by day?

Question 32 of 43

Question 33 of 43

33. From what was the robe of the Ephod (Apron-like garment worn by the High Priest) made?

Question 33 of 43

Question 34 of 43

34. When did Moshe (Moses) set up the dwelling of the Ohel Moed (Tent of Appointment)?

Question 34 of 43

Question 35 of 43

35. How did Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel) perform all the labor for the construction of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 35 of 43

Question 36 of 43

36. Who did all the counting for the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 36 of 43

Question 37 of 43

37. Who finished the work of constructing the Mishkan?

Question 37 of 43

Question 38 of 43

38. How much gold was used in all for all the work of constructing the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 38 of 43

Question 39 of 43

39. How much copper did Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel) offer toward the construction of the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 39 of 43

Question 40 of 43

40. With what was the Aron Hakodesh (Holy Ark) sheltered?

Question 40 of 43

Question 41 of 43

41. How much is a bekah?

Question 41 of 43

Question 42 of 43

42. Where was the Menorah (Candelabrum) placed inside the Mishkan (Sanctuary)?

Question 42 of 43

Question 43 of 43

43. What would become holy after it was anointed with anointing oil?

Question 43 of 43