Bible Quiz Questions, Answers, And Triva For Kids And Adults.
This website contains over 4,000 questions and answers on the Bible. Each quiz question has 4 multiple choice answer.
Our hope is, that you will learn a lot of bible trivia as you are answering the questions that will help you in further quizzes.
You can choose from one of the bible quizzes below, or if you scroll down you will find more bible questions to choose from.
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Who died in Kadesh?
Bamidbar 20:1
On what condition did Barak agree to lead the Jews in war against Sisera?
Shoftim (Judges) 4:8
What did Gidon (Gideon) do to Penuel’s tower?
Shoftim (Judges) 8:17
What praise did the women give David upon his return from killing Golyat (Goliath)?
Shmuel I (Samuel I) 18:7
Which Kohen (priest) would be cut off from God?
Vayikra 22:3
Which shevet (tribe) joined shevet Yehuda (Judah) and was loyal to Rechavam (Rehoboam)?
Melachim I (Kings I) 12:21
What did Gidon (Gideon) request from the people of Succot and Penuel?
Shoftim (Judges) 8:5,8